Stationary deep cycle batteries

The ideal complement for alternative energy sources.

  Stationary deep cycle batteries
  Stationary deep cycle batteries
  Stationary deep cycle batteries

Emergency lighting system.
UPS power systems.
Photovoltaic systems.
Road signaling systems.
Golf Carts.
Reservation for motorhome.
Cleaning machine.
Scissors, scissors and low-sized stacker.


Downloads for long periods of time.
Designed to exceed 980 cycles.
Heat sealed box.
Fiber Glass dividers.
Suitable for cold climates.
After-sales service guaranteed for 1 year.

Commitment to the environment
Commitment to the environment
Quality policy
Quality policy
One year warranty
One year warranty
Technical specifications
Battery Length Width Height RC20 Wet weight Polarity scheme
6v-225AH 262 181 280 224 2503Kg E
12v-105AH 325 170 235 102 21.9Kg B
12v-180AH 505 215 230 154 45Kg D
Polarity scheme
Durability in cycles depending on discharge